LUGGIE BLUE Folding Travel Mobility Boot Scooter
Key Features
- User load options up to 22.8 stone
- Larger powerful motor
- Wider seat options for added comfort
- Extendable handlebars
- Adjustable armrests
- Bigger range up to 18.28 miles dependent on model, user weight and terrain
- Available in exclusive colours
- Front wheel suspension
- Fast charging technology
- Larger anti-tip wheels
- Limited Lifetime Warranty
Customer Reviews
R ****n
This Solarium was a great buy for us. It came undamaged upon delivery in 4 boxes that were pretty big and heavy, but my wife and I were still able to move them around to where we wanted them. All the materials were present. The directions were mostly straight forward, though there were points where we had to take a second or third look at things to make sure that we had all the pieces in the correct order and placement. It definitely has to be assembled on flat ground and absolutely has to have two people to do the work safely. Some of the roof pieces were difficult to get into place and we had to redo and shift around the ceiling fastenings through trial and error to make sure that they all fit evenly. Getting the doors to slide smoothly was the hardest part. The whole project definitely took some fine tuning and shifting around to make sure that the building settled properly into place, but once it was all done, it was really worth it. It is not airtight by any means. There is a gap between the roof and the walls, but that allowed us to run electricity into it without having to make a hole in the material.
R ****n
very good!
I love this! Very sturdy and well made. It adds depth and class to my wall. In the picture below, it is hung a little too high. I ended up lowering it about 8 inches. It’s perfect!
very good!
I am happy with the product. Assembly wasn't to bad. I will make another later about how it upholds in weather
very good!
very good!
very good!